Given the natural beauty, mild climate and other attractive features of living in the Bay Area, local communities have continued to flourish after the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake. This has happened even with predictions of another "Big One", a closer epicenter, and potential for much more damage than in the 1989 Bay Area experience. State and local governments, the USGS, and private agencies have come forward with a variety of publications designed to inform and motivate residents to take action. Improvement of large buildings and transportation arteries can be taken at the public level. Many preventive efforts, however, are dependent on the efforts of individuals and families in their own homes. The educational content of these publications provides helpful information on personal preventive actions that can be taken by Bay Area residents. Some preventive measures require a personal financial investment. Other preventions require only a small and rather insignificant cost. All require that we know what to do, that we educate ourselves as much as possible. To this end, learning what to do, we have provided external links to some of the most useful public information source materials. Simply click on the source that you feel would be most useful and informative to you and it will open in a new window or tab in your browser.
The Great California ShakeOut is an annual earthquake drill held on the third Thursday of October. Learn more at
The Great California ShakeOut is an annual earthquake drill held on the third Thursday of October. Learn more at